Xing Jewellery

In sympathy with the materials I have designed a range of jewellery for the Lady & Gent that again has proportion relating to the Golden Mean & angle. These pieces also capture fashion & form giving the pieces physical presence. The use of precious stones & 2tone white/yellow same carat gold’s highlights the design offering brilliance & a unique quality.

Xing Design

Cufflinks Sterling Silver Cufflinks ERgo Bob Earrings Ergo Bob Earrings
Ergo Tie Pin Ergo Sterling silver Tie Pin Ergo Bob Cable Necklace Xing Collars Range
Stiff Stiff
Capsule Capsule
Commissioned Jewellery Designer
Wedding Ring Bands

Sales and Enquiries Welcome For Trade, Public and Galleries.
Please contact me for prices

Email Xing design

All Products By Xing Design Are Design Registered

Design Registered